Worldview Comparison: Islam and Christianity

Islam represents the Muslim religion and faith. It is recognized as the second largest religion in the world believing in one God (Allah), a faith with monotheistic principles. The Islam Worldview has the ability to answer fundamental questions regarding life, beliefs, and meaning that offer guidance regarding the human experience. In addition, the Islamic worldview answers fundamental questions of humanity:

Question of Origin can be found throughout the Islamic teachings of the Qur’an. It states that, “surely, your Lord is Allah who created the heavens and the earth”, (Yunus 10:3). It goes on to state that Allah also created man from dust and all of humanity. With this knowledge, Muslims understand that they were created by Allah and come from Him.

Question of Identity can be found within the prophet Muhammad who is the messenger of God Allah. However, identity is also in humanity, creation, and belief in Allah. Through Allah, Islam represents one people united. In surat Al- Emran 103 is says, “And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah (i.e this Qur’an), and do not divided among yourselves. And remember Allah’s favor on you, for you were He joined your hearts together, so that by His Grace, you become brethren (in Islamic Faith)”.  In this way, they are undivided by nationality, region, or ethnicity. Their identity stands with their faith in Allah.

Question of Purpose is discovered in the Qur’an where it explains the purpose of life please Allah and grow closer to Him. This reveals the importance of developing and maintaining a relationship with Allah. This can be seen where is states, “I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship”, (51:56). Life’s circumstances and situations are observed as a test of obedience to Allah’s will. People are given choice and fee will to act according to their wants, wishes, and desires. Despite this, they are encouraged to live by the will of God. Thus, the purpose of man is to “cultivate, maintain, and rule the earth”, (Elnaggar, 2007). Man should do this with responsibility and honor according to Allah. In this way man is encouraged to “follow not the footsteps of the devil”, (Al Bagarah, 208).

Question of Morality in the Qur’an encourages people to choose good over evil using Allah’s teaching for guidance for good and morality. This is because Allah is moral order providing obligations and law regarding the cause and effect of moral misgivings. In this way, “Allah is the lofty moral governor of the universe”, (Davis, 2010). These moral standings are listed in the 5 Articles of Faith and the 5 Pillars of Islam, which are significant to Muslim life and society.

Question of Destiny describes the afterlife of Muslims and the Day of Judgment. According to the Qur’an people are judged according to their good deeds and works on earth. The bad deeds are then weighed against the good to determine one’s place in heaven or hell. In this way, “Man is honored with the promise of Paradise”, (Elnaggar, 2007).

The Islam Worldview is very similar to the Christian Worldview. This is because Muslims carry many of the same beliefs as Christians, studying the same holy prohets and scriptures. This includes parts of the Old Testament including the creation story, Moses, the psalms of David, and the gospels of the New Testament. Specifically when understanding the Questions of Origin, the teachings of creation are the same. Both the Qur’an and the Bible state that the world was created in 6 days, in which God Allah created the heaven, earth, and man. In the Qur’an man was made from the dust and water where Allah “created man of clay like the potters”, (Ar-Rahman 55:14). The only difference in this creation story of the Bible is that Christian teachings describe man being created in God’s Image with soul from His breath. The purpose of life is similar in both Islamic and Christian teachings. Both are encouraged to be of good will and to follow the teachings of God Allah. Man is encouraged to enjoy life, work the earth, and prosper. Prosperity can be obtained through family and living according to His will. In this way, both Islam and Christianity can answer questions of Morality. However question of morality are observed differently in Christianity when compared to Islam. While Islam follow the moral standings in accordance with the 5 articles of Faith and the 5 Pillars of Islam, Christians find moral standing in the 10 Commandments. For instance, the 5 Pillars encourage morality through faith, prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage. They are also encouraged to be giving towards others by displaying compassion. Christians, on the other hand, have direct list of rules that must be observed in order to maintain a good moral standing. It also provides understanding between good and evil.

Both Islam and Christianity have strong belief in life after death. Those who are good and faithful are able to enter Paradise or Heaven while those who are bad with evil intentions are cast to hell. However, there is a vast difference when it comes to beliefs regarding judgment. The Qur’an teaches that men are judged according to their works both the good and the bad. In order to reach the heavenly paradise one’s good deeds must outweigh the bad. However, in Christianity this is much more complicated. Through fait, Christians are exonerated against their bad deeds through repentance and acceptance of Christ. Although Christians are also judged according to their works, these works are not weighed against each other. It is these differences that create the separation of Christian identity and Islamic identity according to one’s worldview. Christians find their identity through Christ and his teachings. This includes themes of love and humanity that is related to God’s image. Islam’s on the other hand, find their identity through Muhammad and unity, acting as one faith and brothers with one another in faith.



  1. Davis, D. (2010). The Test. WinePress Publishing. Enumclaw, WA. Retrieved from:


  1. Elnaggar, M. (2013). Man…Vision and Mission. Retrieved from:

About Russia Robinson

I use my writing talents, and skills I’ve learned through academics and experience, to benefit the greater good of society. Conducting research, writing articles, essays, and blogging, I give informative information on a variety of topics and issues that affect society. I also write creative works like children’s books, short stories, poems, and a novel in progress. I earned a BA in English creative writing and American literature from San Francisco State and graduate studies in Technical Writing at Kennesaw State University. Through my career in education and mental health I have spent more than 10 years’ helping young people succeed. I am a certifiable Language Arts teacher, working in education, social services, and mental health. Interested in my writing services? Feel free to contact me via email.
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